Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Class Action?

A "class action" is a lawsuit brought by one or more claimants as representatives for an entire group of claimants who have been affected by a common violation but who do not need to participate in the lawsuit in order to be awarded a recovery. A class action suit may occur when many different people combine their similar complaints. This saves court time and allows a single judge to hear all the concerns at the same time, and come to one settlement or resolution for all parties. This process creates a procedure for redressing a relatively small claim that might otherwise be too costly to litigate on an individual basis.

  • Why is this investigation taking place?

It has come to our attention that there may be widespread wage and hour violations that occur within Dental Support Organizations. For instance, support employees and dentists may not be paid for training or for expenses they incur during work (like auto mileage, or buying cleaning supplies). Employees and dentists may work twelve or more hours each day but only get paid for eight or fewer hours. Some dentists may be paid on a commission basis, so as to avoid being paid overtime. If you think any of these or other workplace violations have occurred, please call us immediately to understand your rights.

  • Has a lawsuit been filed yet?

As of now, no lawsuit has been filed by our office. If the results of our investigation show violations have taken place, then we’ll update this website with the details of any filed lawsuits.

  • Can I join a lawsuit for recovery of wages?

Possibly. If you worked for and with a Dental Service Management Organization and you believe that any of the violations mentioned here happened to you, please call our offices immediately for an evaluation.

  • I’m currently working for a Dental Services Management Organization, can my employer retaliate against me for calling your offices?

No. An employer cannot retaliate against an employee for seeking the advice of an attorney regarding workplace rights. Moreover, communications between our office and you are privileged and confidential. We cannot and will not file a lawsuit on someone’s behalf until the client has retained our office and signed a written retainer agreement.

  • I don’t have records of all my hours/expenses. Can I still recover for lost wages/expenses?

Yes. You don’t need to have exact records of all your hours worked or expenses to recover for them. Your own testimony and the testimony of others is evidence of what hours you worked.

  • Why Should I Join this Class Action lawsuit with The Law Offices of Michael P. Sousa?

Our class action law firm has helped obtain cash awards for thousands of workers totaling over $10,000,000.00. At the Law Offices of Michael P. Sousa, we represent clients both individually and in class actions to recover wages that are rightfully theirs.